Civics Studies , Education or Unidirectional Indoctrination?

By December 31, 2015 January 10th, 2019 Education and Leadership, Nation State

Dr. Yizhak Geiger

In the past few years, the study of Civics has become an integral part of the Israeli curriculum.  This development, which is positive in its nature, was accompanied by fundamental failures such as inadequate preparation of the core curriculum and the publishing of unsuitable textbooks and materials. These steps were taken without proper public discussion and granted too much power to the current dominant ideological group in the Israeli academia, when it allowed it to design the curriculum according to its will and to leave a long term impression on the conscious of the citizens of Israel and the future of the State.

This position paper demonstrates that this failure is a painful blow on four dimensions: Zionist education, democratic education, the teaching of critical thinking, and the chance of reducing the tension between the various sectors of Israeli society.  The full position paper, by Dr. Yizhak Geiger, civics teacher and former member of the civics committee in the Education Ministry, presents the situation report in detail and includes summaries and recommendations. Included in his recommendations are: revising the values and viewpoints included in the core curriculum, stressing the importance of supervision over the implementation of this plan, rewriting the tests and developing new literature in the subject.


Downloadable Documents (In Hebrew):


  1. Position Paper on Civics Studies – Operative Recommendations.


  1. Abstract – Civics Studies , Education or Unidirectional Indoctrination?.


  1. Meeting Of The Knesset Education Committee Concerning The Paper


  1.  Bias In Civics Studies- Select Examples


  1.  Teaching of Civics– Full follow-up report 2012



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