Fighting Anti-Israel Activity

Since its inception, the State of Israel has been dealing with worrisome attempts at delegitimizing its existence. In the past decades, we have been witness to BDS activists working tirelessly to promote the boycotting of Israel and blacken its name. This trend is seen also within Israel’s borders as extreme bodies repeatedly undermine the character of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people while others systematically portray Israel as the aggressor in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The IZS has taken upon itself to expose the motives of such bodies which unjustly damage the reputation of Israel, sometimes under the guise of care for human rights. 

The Truth according to Breaking the Silence: An Analysis of Testimonies

By Fighting Anti-Israel Activity No Comments

In recent years, the Breaking the Silence organization has released a series of publications that expose a database of IDF soldier testimonies from their service in Judea and Samara, as well as the various Gaza operations. Based on these testimonies, Breaking the Silence has concluded that the IDF is in a moral and ethical decline. This decline, they explain, is the direct result of the continuous existence of the “occupation” policy.

In light of the organization’s statements about a systematic moral deterioration of the military system, we have conducted research in which we have carefully examined 100 of the total testimonies presented by BTS – according to select criteria: incident time and location, military layout, described damage type, context, etc., in order to deeply examine BTS’ testimonies and the validity of their conclusions.

The research suggests that there is no correlation between BTS’ claims and the conclusions suggested by their presented testimonies. Our research indicates several fundamental problems that impair the validity of BTS’ conclusions regarding the IDF’s warfare practices and its routine conduct with civilians

to the full research…

Adalah vs. the State of Israel

By Fighting Anti-Israel Activity No Comments

Written by Lilach Danzig. Edited by Adi Arbel

Since its inception in July 2005, the BDS movement has sought to promote boycotts, divestment and sanctions against the State of Israel with the objective of delegitimizing its existence as a Jewish state. A significant part of the BDS movement’s strategy is the transformation of Israel into an international pariah nation by means of its portrayal as an apartheid state deliberately and institutionally discriminating against its Arab citizens.

Perversely, one of the bodies contributing to this propaganda is actually an Israeli organization, ‘Adalah – the Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel’.  Adalah is persistent in claiming that the State of Israel promotes a discriminatory policy against its Arab citizens.

This report surveys in detail the list of laws published on the Adalah website as discriminatory, and examines the validity of the organization’s claims regarding the existence of discrimination against Israeli Arab citizens. The report’s findings reveal that Adalah elects to adopt a strategy of distorting reality with deliberately biased presentations in order to defame Israel as guilty of enforcing dozens of discriminatory laws. Read More

The time has come to terminate the activity of UNRWA

By Fighting Anti-Israel Activity No Comments

By Nir Amran[i]

Throughout THE Protective Edge Campaign (July-August 2014), the Israeli public was exposed to media reports concerning numerous shooting incidents by Hamas from UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) facilities and compounds, such places that by definition are supposed to be neutral, for example:  schools, clinics, offices and humanitarian detention centers and shelters.  Also uncovered, was the fact that the UNRWA offices served as storage places for weapons, explosives and missiles belonging to Hamas, thus endangering  the lives of the very Palestinians most in need of the  Agency services.  Upon discovery, these weapons and ammunition were returned to “the local authorities”.

Much data has been collected over the years by the Israeli security forces, as well as during previous military operations such as Pillar of Defense and Cast Lead, corroborating an existing link between the Agency and anti-Israeli aggressive activity, especially terrorism.  Ever since Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip in 2006, the Agency has become a kind of executive branch of Hamas, employing many of the terrorist organization’s own people.

It is very likely that once the new Government in Jerusalem takes office, the peace discussions will resume – with the USA, Europe and Egypt acting as mediators – tackling some of Hamas’ “long term” demands – those that were set aside previously as “too tough to crack at the present time”.  Examples of the issues to be negotiated are Hamas’ demand that a sea port be built, the setting free of additional Palestinian prisoners and the opening up the border crossings completely.  Israel, on its part, will presumably demand a complete demilitarization of the Gaza Strip, and the close and effective supervision of goods and donated funds entering it. Read More

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